Our Team

Ines Garcia

Ines Garcia

Founder & CEO

Professional Experience

  • Design, manage and monitor Integrated management systems | QUALITY| IATF | VDA 6.3 | Health | Safety | Environmental | Sustainability | Energy| ISMS| TISAX
  • Lead Auditor ISO 14001, ISO 9001, ISO 45001, ISO 27001, IATF, VDA 6.3
  • Risk Management
  • Product and process inspections and controls: Hot-inserts robots, Leak testing, Injection molding, Laser welding, Auto filters, Cartons, Organic waste treatment systems
  • Product safety and enviromental compliance
  • Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)_ISO 14040:2006/AMD 1:2020
  • Quality supplier development (support compliance with quality and management requriements)
  • Sustainable supply chain: SAQ compliance, Mineral conflicts, GRI data collection and reporting
  • EHS and Social Responsibility Compliance (Air Emissions – Water discharge – SWP – HAZMAT)Machine Functional Safety
  • GRI reporting

Core Competences

  • Sustainability Management | GRI  Material Assessment and Sector Standards
  • Risk Assessment and Risk Management
  • Integrated Management Systems  | ISO 14001, ISO 9001, IATF, VDA 6.3, ISO 45001, ISO 50001, ISO 27001 & TISAX
  • Compliance Management
  • Auditing

Project Management

  • Managerial Accounting & Financial Planning (CAPEX – Cost/benefit analysis)


  • BS Engineering/Industrial design
  • MS Environmental Management and Sustainability
  • MS Safety
  • Professional certification in International Business
  • MBA
  • Certify sustainability professional – GRI


  • Fluent English
  • Fluent Spanish
  • Basic : French (reading) – Portuguese (Reading)